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Useful links

The Websites below provide information on a wide range of topics related to health, safety, stress research, stress management, stress counselling and psychotherapy. A number of the organizations hold professional registers of accredited members who offer their services. NB. We are not responsible for the content of external websites.

British Psychological Society


International Stress Management Association (UK)


Centre for Coaching
Centre for Ecopsychology and Wellbeing


The Stephen Palmer Partnership: Conferences and Masterclasses


UK Centre for Cognitive Behaviour Therapy


UK Centre for Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy


Centres of Expertise: Group of Centres


International Academy for Professional Development


Coaching Psychology Unit, City University, London, UK


The American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress


The Health & Safety Executive


The Health & Safety Executive management standards for work-related stress


Centre for Postgraduate Studies & Research


New Zealand Centre for Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy


Counselling Info: Information about 23 popular forms of therapy


Albert Ellis Institute for Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy


Association for Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapists, UK


Association for Coaching


British Psychological Society Special Group in Coaching Psychology



Association for Executive Coaches and Supervisors



Institute of Health Promotion and Education


British Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapies


National Association of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapists


No Panic


The Cochrane Library: The National Electronic Library for Health


Centre for Coaching


The Institution of Occupational Safety and Health


National Institute of Occupational Safety & Health (USA) - Job stress website with a range of booklets/articles


MEDLINEplus: Stress articles



National Institute of Mental Health


Sign Up: Resource centre for information on workplace health


Managing Absence: Site for employers wishing to manage short-term sickness absenteeism


Occupational health strategy for Britain. Database of good practice examples


Online Journal of Multimodal & Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy


Online Stress News: up-to-date news and research about stress including legal cases


Health Education Journal


Centre for Multimodal Therapy


Centre for Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy, London, England


British Society of Experimental & Clinical Hypnosis


Headteachers Support Service


Teacher Support Network



Association for Executive Coaches and Supervisors The Work Life Research Centre 
Cerebral Palsy Symptoms
Stress Information


The Merck Manuals. Medical manuals


DASS. A useful free stress tool.


International Labour Organisation






Parentline Plus


Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society (SANDS)


Association for Post-Natal Illness




Positively Women.(Support for women with HIV)


Eating Disorder Association




PAPYRUS (Prevention of Suicide)


Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide




Manic Depression Fellowship


Fellowship of Depressives Anonymous


Depression Alliance


Seasonal Affective Disorder Association (SAD)


Alcoholics Anonymous




Gamblers Anonymous


Phobia List


Traumatic Stress Clinic


Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture


Up-to-date international news


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